“What Kind of Environment is Best for Caring for Someone with Alzheimer's?”
In quality medical care, as a general rule, bigger is better. Where memory loss is concerned the opposite is more often true. In addition to loss of memory, Alzheimer’s disease causes loss of judgment and communication skills. As the disease progresses, physical coordination diminishes and the person with Alzheimer’s faces increased risk of injury, becoming disoriented or wandering off. A proper caregiving environment takes all of these factors into account, not only in planning, but also in staffing and daily operations.
As functioning becomes increasingly impaired, the person with Alzheimer’s becomes more dependent on caregivers for help with tasks such as dressing, washing and even eating. And with this dependency comes an increased demand for safety. For these reasons, care is best provided in a secure, home-like environment with familiar surroundings and a high ratio of caregivers to residents, where there is the greatest opportunity for one-on-one attention and interaction.
Please support our local Alzheimer’s Association at 316-267-7333.